9 January - Demurrer - Demurring to the first and final account, report and petition for distribution, for cause of demurrer alleges: Facts are not sufficient.
9 January - Objections to first and final account and petition for distribution. Includes list schedules which itemize losses in disposal of estate. Denies that the value of Estate is $38,142.05 or any sum in excess of $13,535.53; denies that the minors are entitled to the whole of the residue of the estate as set forth in the account, to-wit: the sum of $17,065.31, and on the contrary asserts that the minors are entitled to the whole of the residue of the estate, share and share alike in the sum of at least $24,608.52. Asks for: her attorney be appointed to represent children; a day be set for hearing; exceptions be allowed; her costs be paid.
16 - Letter: From J.R. Knowland to Walter L. Fisher, House of Representatives, U.S. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Text:
“My Dear Sir:
The enclosed letter addressed to Mr. John Conbners of Oakland, Calif. by Mr. R,N. York, and referred to me, with reference to one of the concessionaires in the National Yosemite Park, is self-
Believing this meeter should receive some attention by the Department I remain, Very Truely yours, J.R. Knowland”
21 - Letter to Lt. Col. Wm. W. Forsythe from Suirus Saylin, Assistant Sec., Department of the Interior. Asking that the matter of money owed by AC Pillsbury be looked into. There is an enclosure. a letter to AC Pillsbury asking for an explanation and stating their policy of requiring responsible behavior.
February 1 - Letter to AC Pillsbury at 174 Geary St. SF CA from William Forysthe, Acting Super. Yosemite. Letter states that there has been a report casing aspersion on his good character because he has not repaid a loan to Mr.R. N. York of Oakland, California. York alleged that he has a judgment against AC and IC has refused to pay on this debt, keeping money and assets in him wife’s name. Asks that his lisence as a concessionaire in Yosemite be discontinued. Asks for AC’s side of the story.
4- Affidavit - William A. Nunlist is sworn. Attorney for AEtheline Pillsbury. Speaking in support of the motion for a continuance of the hearing of the said report and objections of guardian's objections to the first and final account. Seeks to delay hearing because of conflict for attorney.
6- Notice of Application for Order Setting Apart Exempt Personal Property. By AEtheline D. Pillsbury as co-guardian of minors. Dated Feb. 4, 1913.
7 - Letter to W. Forsythe, Esq. Lt. Col. Cavalry, Presidio, CA From William Clark Crittenden, Attorney and Counselor, 819 California St., CA On behalf of AC informing him of circumstances. Asks him to lunch at the Bohemian Club. Explains AC’s circumstances.
13 - Stipulation extending time of Hearing - All matters now pending may be continued to be heard March 13, 1913.
8 - Letter on PP Stationary to Supervisor, Yosemite National Park, stating that AC is presently in Hawaii and therefore they cannot send a report until he returns. Signed by Zoe Herndou (received Mar 10)
Letter explains the history of the transaction for which AC gives an affidavit which follows.
Cal. Affidavit for A.C. Pillsbury for Department of Interior,
State of California
City and County of San Francisco
Document is two full pages and states that AC recognized a debt but explains the circumstances. Those being that he was not represented by counsel when the agreement was signed, while the other party was so represented. That he has made a good-will effort to pay and been harassed by the other parties. That their claim against him was doubtful at the outset and more doubtful now due to the actions taken by the complaintants which violated the agreement. Third page is a short request on the part of the attorney representing AC for the right to a concession in Yosemite. His name is William C. Crittenden.
16 - Petition of Co-Guardian - Asks that the home in Hollywood, Lot No. 6 in block 2, Hollywood, Ocean View Tract, County of Los Angeles, be homesteaded by the minors. Cited value at $8,500. Asks for a hearing.
11 - Letter from Wm. W. Forsyth to Department of Interior regarding the matter of money unpaid by Pillsbury. Recommendation is that they issue permit to Pillsbury and take no action.
15- Notice of Application for Order Setting Apart homestead. Notification of motion to homestead the house on Hollywood on behalf of children.
19 - Letter from the Department of the Interior to Lt. Col Forsythe acknowledging receipt of his letter of April 11 and stating that the permit will be issued as suggested.
8 - Letter on PP Stationary, handwritten. Text:
“Lieut Col. Forsythe,
Dear Sir: - Enclosed please find certified check for three hundred 0/00 dollars and the signed commission for which I thank you very much.
I had planned to go in today but will be delayed for about a week now, but took the liberty to send Mr. Bartou up to clean up the place and repair the roof, which was damaged by falling limbs.
I trust this Season will be a successful one and again thanking you for your ?. I am yours respectfully, AC Pillsbury”
14- Stipulation - Extends time on matter pending. Will be heard June 6, 1913.
31- Letter from Siurus Suylin, Assist. Sec. Dept of Interior to Major William T. Littebrant, Acting Superintendent of Yosemite National Park. Text:
Your letter of the 22nd inst., has been received enclosing for approval Permit No. 18, in quadruplicate, issued in favor of A.C. Pillsbury, authorizing him, during the period of one year beginning Nov. 1, 1912, to carry on the business of taking views and groups and doing a general photographic business in the Yosemite National Park, using in connection with such business the building west of the “Degnan Residence” and south of the store building used by N.L. Salter, with the right to use one-tenth acre of land upon which the first mentioned building is located. With your letter you enclose certified check for $300., in payment of the fee exacted by this permit.
In response thereto, there is herewith returned two approved copies of Mr. Pillsbury’s permit, one copy being for delivery to him and the other for retention in the files of your office. Respectfully, Suius Suylin, Assistant Secretary
15 - 13 (received July 16) Letter on PP Stationary, handwritten by AC.
“Major Littebrant
Dear Sir: - The following men are available for fire duty at my studio. Mr. Wm. Barlow - Mr. Buya whisky, and my self.
We trust we will not be called for duty but are ready to respond should the need arrive. Yours
Respectfully, AC Pillsbury”
17 2pm - Post card postmarked from Yosemite. To Mrs. Cora Collins, Auburn, Calif. From AC Pillsbury. Front is three children, two boys and a girl, holding walking sticks an standing on a mountain.
Dear Cora
Yosemite July 16, -13
These are the KIDS
on Mt. Watkins, they are
eating 10 times a day and wearing
their legs out climbing mountains.
I go somewhere every Sunday with
them. So they are ready to do to
bed at 8 every night.
You. AC Pillsbury
Later July, early August - A line up of Indians on postcard. Dressed up for Camp Curry Indian Days.
Text on back written by AFP.
Brother Ernest at extreme right. Then me, then Ellen Boysen then Virginia Best. Don’t remember who the woman was, but she got us to put on Indian show. Summer 1913. Grace is just to the left of that woman.
6 - 13 - Letter on PP Stationary, handwritten by AC. (rcvd Aug 7)
“Major Wm. Littebrant
Dear Sir: - Answering the questions of yours of the First.
1st I keep a horse and a donkey.
2nd It is stabled in a yead back of Mr. Satters barn in the rocks.
3rd My authority is verbal permission given me by Col Forsythe who also designated where I should keep them.
It is not specified in my photographic permit.
4th My employees have no stock or poultry
5 - answered in 4th
6 - “
Trusting above will be satisfactory I am
Yours respectfully, AC Pillsbury
22 - Letter to Dept of Interior from AC, a copy of letter on Stationary
To the Honorable Franklin K. Lane
Secretary of the Interior
Dear Sir:
I respectfully petition you for the following concession; for which there is a constant unfilled demand in Yosemite.
I wish to maintain a pack train of burros, to be used in the trails and on the floor of the Valley, and for high Sierra trips, believing there is a demand by walking parties for an inexpensive animal to carry their luggage. This class on animal is impossible to obtain in the Valley at present.
I also lack for pasturage for the above, the neck of land made by a bend in the river and bounded on the south by a creek that ends by the swinging bridge. This land is an island at high water and contains some two acres which I would wish to fence, following the line of the creek.
The fee for above should, I believe, be regulated by the number of animals maintained.
Trusting you will consider this petition favorably, I am,
Yours respectfully,
AC Pillsbury
22 - Letter to the Hon. Franklin K. Lane, citing unfair competition of allowing Curry and Salter to sell post cards and photographic supplies. Asked the fee be charged quarterly of semi-
quarterly. Asks that concessions be granted for a longer period than from year to year. Signed by AC
August - Yosemite. A picture postcard of a birthday party Titled A birthday party 1913.
There are 5 children in the picture. Grace S. Pillsbury in the middle (her birthday party), Virginia Best (l) Ernest Jr. another little girl, front, Arthur F., rear, and another girl, front.
The ES kids returned to Berkeley just in time for school.
10 - Letter of PP stationary to Major Wm. T. Littebrant Complaining about the unfairness of allowing Camp Curry and the Salter store to sell post cards. Cites many facts.
12 - Letter acknowledging receipt of AC two letters, dated Aug. 22 and addressed to the Sec. of Interior.
20 - Letter from Major Littebrant to AC telling him to submit his request for concession permit No. 18 for the next year no later than October 31st. It goes on in excruciating detail.
24- Order Appointing Appraisers. Appoints Arthur G. Stepper, Ralph Langworthy, and Fred Wycoff as appraisers.
24- Amended Exceptions of Minors to the First and Final Account, Report and Petition for Distribution of Administration. By AEtheline to keep insurance from being a part of the body of the Estate.
25- Amended Petition of Minors to set aside for the Use of the Said Minors certain Real Property as a Probate Homestead. Amended Petition and Notarized deposition by AEtheline.
26- Notice of Application for Order Setting Apart Exempt Personal Property. AEtheline petitions to exempt property.
26- Notice of Application for Order Setting Apart homestead. AEtheline’s continuing battle, this as part of the homesteading.
30 - To AC. Letter from Acting Super, Yosemite, Wm. Littebrant. Letter citing Permit No. 18, held by Pillsbury, and renewal for the next year.
10- Stipulation - stipulates all matters may be continued to be heard November 17, 1913.
11 - Letter on PP Stationary from AC to Major Littebrant.
“Dear Sir: -
Replying to your of Sept. 20th, I respectfully petition you for a renewal of my photographic concession for the year 1914, and if possible at this time to extend this term of the concession for a period of five (5) years, which will warrant an investment for permanent improvements. I wish to occupy the same buildings as I have previously used, being situated west of the Degnan residence and south of the grocery store, and comprising about one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. I also would like to ask for the privilege of maintaining the live stock necessary to conduct the business, this consisting,, possibly, of three animals, with the privilege of stabling them as before in a yard back of Mr. Salter’s stable, unless some other more suitable place is designated. Would also like the privilege of keeping one donkey in from the the studio as had been our custom previously.
In the photographic concession asked for I wish to handle pictures, photographic supplies, do group work and developing, in fact carry on a general photographic business.
For this concession I am willing to pay the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), payable One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) On June 1st, 1914, and One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) on September 1st, 1914.
Respectfully submitted,
AC Pillsbury
“Dear Sir: -
I am forwarding you today statement of year’s business and an application for a renewal of the concession according to your letter of September 20th. The application which I filed with your office some weeks ago for the burro concessions and the Meadow made my the bend of the river above the swinging bridge, I would like to now withdraw, as I understand from you that this land is not available and from my talk with Mr. Kaufman it would not be possible for me to stable then with him; in fact he told me that he could not see his way clear to care for any more animals than he has at present.
The financial statement I am sending you included what I consider my summer season up to September1st, at that date the inventory was taken and the books closed. If you wish another statement for the winter season I will give it to you at any time.
Thanking you for your courtesies, I am,
Respectfully yours,.
AC Pillsbury”
30 - Letter from Major Littebrant to the Sec. of the Interior which discusses, among other things, AC Pillsbury and his request for the next year’s concession. Littebrant recommends the fee be paid in $150.00 increments on May 1st and August 1st. AC is to keep one horse and one donkey in the barns of J.W. Coffman, at the approved rates. These are located one mile from the village. Salter’s barn is in the Village but is located down stream and the govenment wants to relocate it. Discussion of master plans and mention of fees for artists. Asks for a financial statement from AC.
5 - Inventory & Appraisment - names appraisers, their names are: Arthur G. Stepper, Ralph Langworthy, and Fred Wycoff. Notarized Statement from O.P. Clark who is Secretary of Title Insurance & Trust Co. on the annexed inventory which is itemized on the following pages. List is of jewelry items and bedroom furniture in the possession of A.C. Pillsbury. Note that the Pianola is admitted to be the property of the estate of E.S. Pillsbury.